Persuasive essay topics
Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Othello Report Essay Essays
Othello Report Essay Essays Othello Report Essay Paper Othello Report Essay Paper In here, Othello discusses needing to be recollected with decency as one who adored excessively, how he was fooled into extraordinary envy and as one who didn't understand the value of what he had. He communicates his longing to be recorded as the man who slaughtered a Turk who offended the province of Venice, and murders himself, kicking the bucket on Desdemonas bed. Cassio was stunned as he had referred to Othello as the bold one. Lodovico then finished the heartbreaking occurrence by asking Cassio to manage the crushed Iago, asking Gratiano to watch the house leaving him with Othellos fortune. Iago essentially persuaded Othello that his significant other was unfaithful. With this falsehood accepted, he turned out to be very desirous and choked Desdemona to death, acknowledging just past the point of no return that she is totally blameless all things considered. As he conveys his last discourse, he reflects upon an incredible time and his administration as the Venetian armed force. He depicts his change from a glad trooper to a killer. He requested for reality to be spoken to neatly and attests that it was his own stupidity and desire that caused Desdemonas passing, and not the activities of Iago. From line 334 onwards was the sentimental utilization of Othellos language. It was a discourse that restores his respectable nature and his enormity. Othello began conversing with Lodovico. I have done the express some help this line suggests that Othello reminded them what his identity was back previously, how he made the state pleased with him and his notoriety. He told Lodovico to record his story dependably. I ask you in your letters the word ask could imply that he is asking Lodovico to do what Othello says. At that point you should discuss one that adored not admirably, however excessively well; Of one, not effectively desirous, yet being fashioned Perplexed in the extraordinary With these lines, Othello audits the plays sensational circular segment. Its brings back how Othello used to be in the start of the play, before the entire occurrence happened. Toward the start of the play, he is a saint, glad, and noble. His defeat was because of somebody which he couldn't generally control Iago. Like base Indian, discarded the pearl This was alluding to Othello himself as he was a dark simply like an Indian. Base Indian could be the American Indian who didn't esteem valuable stones. Othello alluded himself to an Indian since he didn't perceive Desdemonas genuine worth. Othello at that point separates into tears, something which he isn't utilized to. But unused to the softening state of mind He permits himself to communicate bitterness at his own destiny. Drop tears as quick as the Arabian trees This demonstrated Othello is having a genuine ardent separate, as he stresses that tears were descending quicker than ordinary, in spite of that he most likely never separated and cried. Othello advised Lodovico to record his tears, reveals to him how he once happened upon a Turk beating a Venetian and savagely murdered him. There is a touch of opposing here. In the start of the play, Othello was definitely more than dark yet now he has turned Turk and become a genuine racial pariah. In line 351, the circumcised hound these words sounds at last wrong to depict Othello. He could mean himself being sold out, being an idiot, being excessively artless, being moronic every one of these words being assembled. He at that point executed himself: And destroyed him, in this manner. It was a similar path as the Turk being murdered, as referenced previously. In this entry, there were likewise a few expressions of prejudice, for example, Indian, Arabian and turbaned Turk. Every one of these words were being alluded to Othello himself when he gave his discourse. His last words summed up his situation toward the finish of the play, recovering. He began from a respectable figure and passes on as a killer. His last discourse stresses the deplorability of his destruction and consummately exemplifies the subjects of the play. Gratiano demonstrates that Othellos discourse was something sudden, something which he could never hope to listen to originating from Othellos mouth: All that is talked is defaced. This was likely in light of the fact that Gratiano never anticipates that Othello should be in that state where he surrenders everything. As he is passing on, he says that he kissed Desdemona before he slaughtered her with lament and trouble. This recommends maybe his adoration for her glimmered quickly inside his dim soul before he killed her. He advises himself that maybe he was not entirely degenerate, however he kicks the bucket realizing that his spirit is lost. Lodovico addresses Iago with cruel words. He considered him a Spartan pooch which implied brutality. Increasingly fell that anguish, hunger, or the ocean He said that Iago was crueler than anguish, hunger and the ocean. They are 3 entirely unexpected words that Lodovico that is utilized to think about Iagos savagery. This stresses Iago is brutal, being crueler than everything else. The item harms sight; Let it be stowed away. He alluded to seeing Othello drooped against Desdemona on bed as an item as they are as of now dead. The word toxins could likewise be alluding to Iagos savagery and unfaithfulness. He needs it not to be viewed as not to leave anybody alone helped to remember Iago. He additionally advised Gratiano to seize Othellos ownership. As they prevail on you. He thinks Gratiano is the most proficient one. Finally, he guided Cassio to choose with Iago, which he alluded to as the repulsive scoundrel, again underscoring his brutality. The following hardly any lines of Lodovicos discourse were miserable words that finished this entire disaster. He said he should come back to Venice and with substantial heart relates this overwhelming demonstration. He depicted both the heart and act substantial showing the debacle Iago had caused. The addresses made at the last piece of the play were all hopeless. Othello made his last discourse in that manner since he needed the crowd to know who he truly is before he passes on. He talks about his past support of the Venetian state and he depicts himself not as a primitive outsider yet as one who cherished not astutely yet excessively well, as one who was gone after and as one astounded in the outrageous. He has acknowledged what has occurred and is eager to rebuff himself for it.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
The Negotiator free essay sample
Exchange is a basic word with wide importance and comprehension. We as a whole realize that arrangement isn't a simple undertaking to do. It must be rehearsed and created. Nobody can undoubtedly adjust the earth of arrangement without profoundly knowing it by heart and by mind. We are likewise mindful that exchange assumes a major job in the lives of individuals particularly to experts and business visionaries. They may imagine that it's anything but a serious deal, yet for some it is. It is significant in light of the fact that we really use exchange to get by in various circumstance in our own profession. We likewise underestimate the ability of exchange to have the option to make professionally. The film â€Å"The Negotiator†is a case of an incredible exchange aptitude. It epitomizes various procedures or strategies while arranging. In spite of the fact that the film is about prisoner taking, it is as yet a type of exchange and it is a decent method to have an alternate point of view on arrangement. We will compose a custom article test on The Negotiator or on the other hand any comparable point explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page One strategy is drawing out the discussion or circumstance between the moderator and the prisoner taker. It appears in the film that arbitrators posed inquiries that were open finished with the goal that the consideration of the prisoner take will be upset and there’s an extraordinary chance that the circumstance will end calmly. Next strategy is guaranteeing the wellbeing of the prisoners in the circumstance. We find in the film that the moderator take the necessary steps to do all together spare the prisoners. They attempt to give the solicitations of the prisoner taker regardless of the stuff. Despite the fact that in the film, there was a scene were the prisoners were not discharged simultaneously. The mediator ought to organize giving clinical treatment or discharge for harmed prisoners, give food and water, and arranging the arrival of whatever number prisoners as could reasonably be expected. Next method is resisting the urge to panic. All specialists include in the circumstance should try to avoid panicking and follow arranges just to the appointed arbitrator so that there would be no undesirable result. The arbitrator ought to never contend with the prisoner taker and never disapprove of a solicitation. Continuously think positive and use deferring strategies or make a counter-offer. Taking everything into account, there are various employments of exchange in the lives of individuals. We see the worth and significance of arrangement in the film and that exchange can spare an actual existence. We additionally perceive how hard to arrange is, which demonstrates that exchange isn't a simple errand and that it must be learned, polished, and created. Try not to hope to have exchange aptitudes without profoundly understanding the quintessence and significance of it. There are various courses in learning arrangement however recollect that the most ideal approach to learn it is to have whatever number encounters as could be expected under the circumstances with the goal that you will gain from the truth of life and exchange.
Thursday, August 13, 2020
COB vs EOD What Each Means and How to Use Them
COB vs EOD What Each Means and How to Use Them The use of abbreviations in any form of business has become usual nowadays.Whether you are working in a small or large company, you will notice that they are being widely used. In this article, we will explain two probably the most confusing acronyms there are.It’s not their general term, but their similarity which confuses people. Some people even say their meaning is the same.You would have probably guessed about which ones we are talking about even if it isn’t stated in the title. Without any further deferment let us begin and explain what both COB and EOD are and whether they have the same meaning.So strap in and we can start our ride!WHY DO PEOPLE IN COMPANIES USE ABBREVIATIONS?Means of communication have changed a lot throughout history. In the past, people waited for weeks, even months to get a message from their family, friends and business partners.Sometimes, deliveries were late, due to, i.e. ship accident or a pirate attack. In those situations, both suppliers and cust omers usually didn’t know what had happened for weeks.With the discoveries of new means of communication, everything changed.In today’s world, doing business is much more dynamic than before. People can communicate with each other in a matter of seconds wherever they are, thanks to technological advancements. Mobile phones, e-mails, social media. News can travel from one side of the globe to another in a short period of time.In this age of globalization, as businesses grew, the need for higher efficiency grew too. If you are not being efficient, you will fall behind your competitors.Thus, every company needs to quickly adapt to any changes in their environment in order to survive in the highly dynamic business world.One of the ways to achieve that is by being as productive as possible in your jobs. And since e-mails are widely used in every company as a fast way to inform everyone about anything that is happening.Now, writing a lot of e-mails while working takes time, so the bes t way to reduce the time needed is the use of abbreviations. This method is used A LOT, and we really mean it. It is like another language is being used for communicating between employers and employees. Thus, it is really important to learn what each of them means.But do not worry! It is like riding a bicycle. Once you learn them, you will know them forever.Some of the acronyms are easily recognized, which makes them easy to use, but with the increasing use of them in a lot of companies, it is getting harder and harder to distinguish them if they are very similar.That is why you need to prepare yourself if you are just starting to work in a company.Be prepared to learn fast and adapt to the use of business language, since there will be a large number of terms which you will have to use in order to communicate with your colleagues and employers. WHAT IS THE MEANING OF COB AND EOD?COB is an abbreviation used in business to emphasize the time in which something should be done. The ful l length of it means “close of business†and it represents the time when you are supposed to go home from work. So if your work time is, i.e. from 9:00 to 17:00 hours, that means COB is 17:00.In short, it represents the end of a workday and can be used despite your timezone. If, for instance, you have an employee working in another time zone, you can use COB abbreviation to emphasize that the work has to be done by the end of the workday.EOD is shortened term from “end of dayâ€. Traditionally, it represents the time when you end your business day and go to sleep. It is also used to represent the same thing as COB, which means the end of a workday (17:00 hours). Apart from that, people often use it to represent the full workday, which lasts from the moment the work started (9:00) to the moment it starts again next day (9:00 next day) or as a way to mark full day as a whole, which means the end of day would be midnight.Now you see why using these terms can be a bit confusing. I n most companies, it is really important to finish everything on time, because some clients do not tolerate when someone is being late with their deliveries and reports.Being late means losing a client, and losing a client means losing a revenue. If that happens continuously, more clients could be inclined to leave, which means your business could be ruined. That is why it is of utmost importance not to be late and not to miss your due dates and hours.In order to do that, communication, not just between an employer and employee, must be clear, with the least amount of misunderstandings as possible so it wouldn’t come to the problems we had mentioned earlier.WHEN SHOULD I USE COB?As mentioned above, using these abbreviations can be a bit unclear and confusing at first glance. In order to avoid potential problems which can occur, you, as an employer should set a clear set of explanations of what each of the terms represents.Of course, some of them are self-explanatory, but when we t alk about ones which are not obvious, they should be listed so people wouldnt make mistakes.Now, as for when you should use abbreviations, it really depends on the company, employers, employees and the subject in question or the line of business. If you do work which requires your company to be precise in dealing with time-sensitive issues, perhaps it is better to communicate with your colleagues in a clear and direct way, without using too many abbreviations.Or if you are working in a multinational corporation with people from all over the world, who work in different time zones, you might want to do the same thing and include the precise date and time for due dates, including the specific time zone in your message.So, for example, let’s imagine you are a person working in Los Angeles and you need to communicate with a person called John from your company who is stationed in the company’s subsidiary in Stockholm. This is how your conversation should look like:“Hello, John,Fir st of all, I wanted to say that you did an impressive work with our last client, they sounded very satisfied when I talked to them. Keep up the good work!Second thing, the end of a first quarter is almost due, so could you please send me the quarterly sales report by the end of next week, let’s say Friday at 17:00 EST?Looking forward to hearing from you.Best regards,Brendaâ€By writing the exact day and time, including the time zone, John probably wouldn’t have a problem to deliver the needed report on time, because he wouldn’t be concerned with the possibility of making a mistake and missing a due date.Of course, Brenda would’ve been able to use COB and EOD abbreviations if she had wanted to. Using COB wouldn’t have caused any issues since that abbreviation is clear enough. Close of business always means the end of work hours, so John would’ve known what the deadline is.COB usually means the end of working hours in local time zone, so even if she hadn’t mentioned time zone in her email, John would’ve not been confused.WHEN SHOULD I USE EOD?The story is a bit different when it comes to the usage of EOD. As we had mentioned before, “end of the day†has had multiple meanings so far, so in order for employers and employees to use it, a clear explanation of its meaning should be provided by the company or by a person who is writing an email.Let us imagine the same situation as before, with one difference, that Brenda used EOD abbreviation instead of listing all the details. So this is how it would look like:“Hello John,First of all, I wanted to say that you did an impressive work with our last client, they sounded very satisfied when I talked to them. Keep up the good work!Second thing, the end of a first quarter is almost due, so could you please send me the quarterly sales report by the end of next week, let’s say by EOD next Friday, EST?Looking forward to hearing from you.Best regards,Brendaâ€You can notice that this message could be a bit confusing and you can guess why. By using the term EOD, Brenda informed John that she needs those reports for next Friday by the end of the day. Now, if John is experienced enough and has been working in a company for some time, he will probably know what she meant by “end of the dayâ€.The problem can occur if John is a new employee who doesn’t yet understand the company’s terminology completely. He might be confused, asking himself what she meant by end of the day? Did she mean the end of the workday or the end of the day in general? Or did she mean as if EOD meant the time right before the start of a new workday?All these questions he might be asking himself would be a complete waste of time and thus, a complete waste of John’s potential productivity.He might also be afraid of asking her back what did she exactly mean by EOD, because he might be thinking that perhaps he should’ve already known that, and since she wrote him the message like that, she is expecting h im to know what the abbreviation means.All of this can have a very negative impact on business because it decreases the efficiency and productivity of workers and employers. Instead of thinking about their work, they would waste precious time to think about the context of a simple email. And that is something which should be avoided.So, you might ask, in what situations you could use EOD then? Well, in cases where it is clearly defined what EOD really means, whether it is the end of the workday as we define COB, the end of the day as a whole (midnight) or the beginning of a new workday, you can use EOD abbreviation without causing a potential ruckus.For example, if you and your employees knew that EOD means the start of a new workday, and if you needed your assistant to make an appointment with your client, email would look something like this:“Hello Jane,Could you please make an appointment with Mr. Jones and inform him by EOD tomorrow?Best Regards,Brendaâ€Now, in this case, J ane already knows what EOD means and won’t have a problem to make the necessary arrangements and notify both Brenda and Mr. Jones on time. The appointment will be made, Brenda will do her business with Mr. Jones and everyone will be happy.If that hadn’t been the case and EOD abbreviation hadn’t been properly defined, then perhaps Jane would have made a mistake, both Brenda and Mr. Jones would have been given the wrong appointment time or they wouldn’t have been given the details on time and in the end both Brenda and Jane would’ve been in trouble, because client would’ve most likely gone to another company.Of course, this is an extreme situation, it doesn’t happen every day that clients leave the company because of an email mistake, but the possibility is there, so people should have that thought in their minds while doing their jobs.OTHER SIMILAR ABBREVIATIONSWe’ve already mentioned that there is a large number of abbreviations which are being used in business. Sinc e that is the case, while being used, some of them sort of mixed with each other and created new abbreviations, which are all basically the same. We are going to mention some of the most typical abbreviations which are often used as a substitute for EOD and COB.Most of these acronyms, as you will notice, are sort of a mix of both EOD and COB. Some of them are different, but eventually, their meaning is altogether similar.EOB â€" “End of businessâ€EOP â€" “End of playâ€COP â€" “Close of playâ€As you can see, all of these basically has the same meaning. The only difference is where they are being used the most.EOP and COP are mostly used in financial markets, to represent the end of the market transactions, or to be more precise the time when all the trading stops for that day and the market closes.EOB or “end of business†has literally the same meaning as COB or EOD. It is a mix of two. So it represents the end of a workday, more precisely, the time when people stop thei r work and go home. We can say it represents the end of the shift for the people working in shifts.There are a lot more acronyms used in business and in order for you to use them properly, you will have to learn them by heart and do the right judgment when it comes to using them, so you could properly decide when and where to use them.That’s why it is important to learn the business language, so you don’t get in the situation where your excellent knowledge of English is somehow lessened with your poor knowledge of business terminology. SUMMARYIn this article, we learned something about using abbreviations in business, why it is sometimes a good thing and why it is sometimes a bad thing.We learned what are the meanings of EOD or “end of the day†and COB or “close of business†abbreviations. Even though they are often used in the same context, we saw there is still a little difference between them and that it all depends on the way you are looking at them, whether they are explained and their meaning clarified or not.The general answer to the question of whether you should use abbreviations or not is that you should avoid using them as much as possible, despite the fact they can be quite useful.The reason is that they can often get misinterpreted and their meaning can be twisted and confusing in some cases, as we have already seen in our examples.Because of that, most of the time it is better to write your emails and messages in full extent so you don’t confuse the person on the other side. When people are not confused, they can focus on their job and make fewer mistakes. This all leads to a rise in productivity and efficiency, which is what ultimately, leads to better performance of your company as a whole.And companies with higher performance are respected and often recommended by other clients.
Saturday, May 23, 2020
A Comparison of Hotel Service Software - 1170 Words
Providence, Rhode Island Feinstein Graduate School Mid-term Exam A Writing Project Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the MBA Degree Course: HOSP 6526 Prof. Markham Chunzi Wang Dec 21, 2012 Question: Compare three different hotel service softwares (Hotel ServicePro, GuestWare, Oscar). What are key features and price point of each one? What are strengths of each one? With Marriott, Providence hotel condition, why they choose GuestWare as their service system interface? Do you think this is their best choice? Why? Answer: Key features amp; Price Hotel ServicePro The software, held by Hotel SystemsPro, LLC is one of lodging’s industry most significant technology developments in past ten years.†¦show more content†¦3, Service process tracking. With the completion of the service, the service center will call guests to confirm and verify guests’ satisfaction. 4, Light the areas that needs most attention. The software lights the requests depending on severity. The price of Oscar is affordable by most properties. There has no information about the price details. Strength As talked above, there are several common strengths that all of these software has. First, These systems seamlessly connect to their other products or partners. This enables management to be more proactive and efficient. As well, it centralizes guests’ information that helps to improve customer recognition and loyalty in the future. Second, all these systems have message function that offers mobile message alert when software receives guest’s requests. This enables management to respond actively and provide service as soon as possible. Additionally, all systems have classified report checklists on the interfaces that facilitate employees to check service process easily and make some flexible service changes if possible. For each software, it also has some strengths that match various type of hotels’ specific needs. For Hotel ServicePro, the uniqueness can be customizing guests’ requests. For some particular special requests, the software can also record i t and dispatch it out to managementShow MoreRelatedLeadership Styles Of Conrad Hilton1617 Words  | 7 PagesLeadership Comparison For my leadership comparison I selected Conrad Hilton of Hilton Worldwide. Since being founded in 1919, Hilton Worldwide has been a leader in the hospitality industry. Today, Hilton Worldwide remains a beacon of innovation, quality, and success. Leadership Characteristics Knowledge Gained from Research Knowledge Gained from Class How I plan to apply this Knowledge Integrity Hilton Worldwide prides themselves on doing things right the first time. I plan to uphold integrityRead MoreProfile Of The Conference And Event Center1114 Words  | 5 PagesProfile of Company The Conference and Event Center is conveniently nestled along the dynamic Old Falls Street, USA. 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Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Analysis Of The Book The Necklace - 1649 Words
Chelsea Helms Professor Lauren Allen English 101-070 11 September 2014 The Value of â€Å"The Necklace†In Guy De Maupassant’s short story, â€Å"The Necklace,†the main character Mathilde Loisel longs to be apart of a greater social class than she currently is. She borrows what she thinks is an expensive necklace from her friend and unfortunately loses it. She spends the rest of her life paying off the replacement necklace only to find out the original necklace was a fake. In the short story, Maupassant uses several key aspects of literature to illustrate specific themes that gives the audience a moral on value. Through diction, repetition, and imagery in the third paragraph of â€Å"The Necklace,†Maupassant portrays the concept that placing value on a material object such as necklace will not improve your socioeconomic status, but in fact destroy it. Maupassant’s particular diction used in the third paragraph of â€Å"The Necklace†demonstrates the argument that valuing a materialistic object like a necklace will decline your socioeconomic status. In the opening sentence the words â€Å"delicacies†and â€Å"luxuries†are used. Mau passant describes the character as â€Å"feeling herself born for all the delicacies and all the luxuries†(22). By choosing those particular words, he is illustrating that the main character values certain delicacies and luxuries like material objects. She feels as though she deserves â€Å"luxuries†and â€Å"delicacies†in life, but because of her social status, does not haveShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of The Book The Necklace 988 Words  | 4 PagesThese unquenchable needs can be demonstrated by the main characters in the short stories â€Å"The Necklace†, which exemplifies the destructiveness of pride and selfishness from a woman that feels entitled and desires what’s beyond her means and the grandmother in â€Å"A Good Man Is Hard To Find†that puts her needs before others at all costs. Although these two stories are completely different in ways that â€Å"The Necklace is written in an earlier time in Paris about a young couples diffe rence in frugalness andRead MoreAnalysis Of The Book The Necklace 702 Words  | 3 PagesThe necklace She removed the wraps which covered her shoulders before the glass, so as once more to see herself in all her glory. But suddenly she uttered a cry. She no longer had the necklace around her neck! 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Middleman vs Ghost Free Essays
The Middleman VS The Ghost In the novel No Country for Old Men, the author, Cormac McCarthy, utilizes a unique style in his writing. From the dialogue to the plot, this novel is very different from McCarthy’s previous novels. Whereas the classic Western usual has a single protagonist, for example McCarthy’s very own Blood Meridian, which mainly centers around one main character, The Kid, No Country for Old Men is focused on three central individuals: Sheriff Ed Tom Bell, Llewellyn Moss, and Anton Chigurh. We will write a custom essay sample on Middleman vs Ghost or any similar topic only for you Order Now This notable technique allows reader to visualize the story from three points of views. Due to the post-war setting, specifically after the Vietnam War, the United States is in a state of turmoil led by violence and drugs. Due to the many scenes involving gun shoot-outs and characters on the run, No Country for Old Men can be interpreted as a genre of crime action and horror. When readers read or watch crime action, they expect it to start off with a criminal committing a crime and it ending with a hero solving the crime and capturing the bad guy. Some of the popular works of crime action are Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s Sherlock Holmes series and CBS’s CSI: Crime Scene Investigation show. Like all genres, crime action has some loose guidelines: crime, investigation, and solution. The plot usually centers between the protagonist and antagonist. However, McCarthy adds a twist to the genre by adding a middleman. Readers can easily depict Chigurh as the antagonist since he commits multiple homicides, but who is the protagonist and middleman? At first, Moss appears to be the protagonist, but due to Moss’s death at the end, Bell ends up being the protagonist; thus making Moss the middleman. At first, readers assume Moss to be the protagonist since Chigurh is chasing after him. In addition, Moss gives off the impression that he is able to protect himself with his extensive knowledge on guns and ability to run away. Yet, this notion is proven wrong when Chigurh successfully kills Moss. In the end, Moss is considered to be an arrogant, selfish middleman, because he ignored the help of Sheriff Bell thinking that he can escape the grasp of Chigurh and put his wife and himself in danger for the sake of money. There are numerous times when Chigurh is committing a crime so quickly and andomly that Bell refers to him as a â€Å"ghost†(McCarthy, 149) and Wells calls him a â€Å"psychopathic killer†(McCarthy, 80). Yet, probably the biggest scene is when Chigurh attempts to kill Moss at Eagle Pass, but gets in a shoot-out with a group of Mexican drug dealers. Moss was able to escape from Chigurh, but suffered a fatal wound; the Mexicans were not so lucky as they were all killed. Though Chigurh was able to survive the shoot-out, he still ended up gettin g injured. This scene gives reader a sense of action due to Chigurh’s cunningness and skillfulness at executing crimes. Despite the multiple crimes, what makes No Country for Old Men a crime action is the cat-and-mouse chase. Throughout the novel, Moss is constantly running for his life, Chigurh’s persistent pursuit after Moss, and Bell’s attempt to save Moss by going after Chigurh. In Lydia Cooper’s article â€Å"’He’s a Psychopathic Killer but So What? ’: Folklore and Morality in Cormac McCarthy’s No Country for Old Men†, Cooper points out how McCarthy uses a â€Å"narrative structure [that] follows a ruling action of tri-episodic-action-repetition. In the novel, there is an emphasis on events occurring three times (Cooper, 10). Moss and Chigurh encounters each other three times, but Moss ends up dead on the third time (McCarthy, 99-239); Chigurh almost gets killed three times (McCarthy, 6-261); Chigurh and Bell almost face each other three times, but Chigurh always manage to avoid contact (McCarthy, 93-245). This method used by McCarthy gives the reader a sense of hit or miss in this crime action genre. Due to Anton Chigurh’s psychotic killings, nobody is safe in the novel. Therefore, the trope â€Å"Anyone Can Die†is well suited for the crime action in No Country for Old Men. Anton follows Moss’s every moves and kills everybody that Moss comes in contact with. Anton mercilessly kills innocent people just for driving Moss or working in the hotel he is staying at. McCarthy successfully portrays Chigurh as a ruthless, cold-hearted killer who has his own set of rules and morals. After the reader finds out how terrifying Chigurh is, McCarthy offers a false sense of hope by introducing Carson Wells. The trope â€Å"Contract on the Hit Man†goes with the novel by adding another hit man to kill the antagonist. Hired by the same company Chigurh was, Wells’ objectives were to retrieve the drug money and kill Chigurh. Readers feel relieved to know that somebody in the same field as Chigurh will be able to bring him down. However, hope is quickly crushed when Chigurh puts a hole in Wells’ face (McCarthy, 103) and kills his contractor (McCarthy, 117). These actions intensify Chigurh as a powerful and cunning psychopath who can’t be stopped. One significant characteristic of No Country for Old Men is that readers get to see the antagonist’s point of view. Through the eyes of Chigurh, readers get an understanding as to why he decides to kill innocent civilians. Through his own set of morals, Chigurh kills anybody that he thinks might pose a threat to him. When Chigurh talked to the proprietor of a gas station, Chigurh, out of the blue, tells the proprietor to â€Å"call it†after he tosses a quarter (McCarthy, 29). The reason Chigurh did a coin toss was to see whether or not he would let the proprietor live. This event shows the antagonist’s odd mindset, but yet gives the reader and unnerving awareness that he has â€Å"morals†. People who love to read or watch about horror expect to feel fear or panic caused by psychopaths or supernatural creatures. Some memorable works of horror are Stephen King’s novels or FX’s original hit series American Horror Story. What makes horror so frightening yet so fascinating is that it takes the readers out of their comfort zone and distorts their imagination. The creation of horror is usually created through the use of folklore or fantasy. The convention involves a terrifying antagonist going after the protagonist(s) in an eerie setting; it is similar to the theme of a wolf hunting a flock of sheep. If one thinks from a different point of view, No Country for Old Men is a bit similar to the horror movie Psycho when the main character ends up getting killed after stealing some money. At a different perspective, No Country for Old Men has some horror qualities to it. What makes the novel like a horror is Chigurh. McCarthy portrays Chigurh as a seemingly immortal, metaphysical character. His nonstop pursuit after his victims is haunting and the way he kills them after he captures them is distinctive. Like Freddy Krueger with his sharp, metal claws and Jason with his machete, Chigurh has his own special weapon: a stun gun attached to an air-tank. With his signature M. O. , usually a bullet to the head or between the eyes, Chigurh is a notorious psychopathic killer. The trope â€Å"Once is not Enough†depicts the horror genre in No Country for Old Men by showing how foolish Moss was to let Chigurh live. Chigurh and Moss has met three times; the first two times, Moss was able to narrowly escape Chigurh. The second encounter, Moss had the advantage over Chigurh by surprising Chigurh at gunpoint. For some reason, Moss let him live despite knowing the threat Chigurh posed to him. This is where the trope â€Å"Once is not Enough†applies; the victim lets the killer live thinking that running away is the solution. If Moss had taken the chance to kill Chigurh, then he would not have died in the end. Another trope â€Å"Unfinished Business†shows how strong-willed a villain can be. After attending Moss’s funeral, Carla Jean, the wife, returns to her house. When she heads to her room, she discovers Chigurh waiting for her on her bed. She knew why he was there but attempts to dissuade him from killing her by telling him he does not have to kill her. Taking pity on her, Chigurh gives her a second chance by letting the coin decide her fate. Nonetheless, fate was not on her side, and Chigurh killed her. The reason Chigurh killed Carla Jean was to finish the business he had with Moss. Even though Cormac McCarthy follows the conventions of crime action and horror, in some ways he steps out of the boundaries to create a twist to his novel. The norm in crime action genre is that the hero ends up being the victor and the enemy ends up losing. Despite this, McCarthy shocks the reader by abruptly killing Moss, which makes Chigurh the winner. In addition, since Sheriff Bell quits his job, which means that Chigurh is on the loose, the protagonist loses. The convention of a horror genre involves a sinister setting haunted by an ominous individual. Yet, the villain, Chigurh, travels to various places to track Moss. By breaking a few conventions, McCarthy gives the reader a taste of his own crime action and horror in No Country for Old Men. Cormac McCarthy successfully portrays the genres of crime fiction and horror in No Country for Old Men through his characters, plot, setting, and use of language. With the twist of including a middleman, McCarthy changes the convention of crime action; he also goes out of the norm by letting the antagonist be the winner at the end. The author also portrays Chigurh as a paranormal being that cannot be stopped, which gives the novel a sense of horror. This allows readers to enjoy a good crime fiction novel with some horror mixed into it. Works Cited Page Bennett, Steven. Definition of the Crime Fiction Genre. 13 Nov. 2012. http://www. findmeanauthor. com/definition_horror_fiction_genre. htm Cooper, Lydia R. â€Å"‘He’s a Psychopathic Killer, but So What? â€Å": Folklore and Morality in Cormac McCarthy’s No Country for Old Men. †Papers on Language Literature, Jan. 2009. Web. 6 Nov. 2012 Lydia R. Cooper, a student from Baylor University with a Ph. D. in English Literature, claims that Cormac McCarthy’s No Country for Old Men falls into the category of folklore and morality. The writer establishes a thesis-driven argument for her essay on Cormac McCarthy. Cooper incorporates the use of many quotes from McCarthy’s novels to demonstrate how the genres are evident in NCFOM. Cooper’s audience can be narrowed down to McCarthy’s fans and enthusiasts of folklore and/or morality. Her main goal is to show a unique perspective of No Country for Old Men. Genre Descriptions (Fiction Only). Agent Query LLC. 13 Nov. 2012. http://www. agentquery. com/genre_descriptions. aspx McCarthy, Cormac. No Country for Old Men. New York: Knopf, 2005. Print. No Country for Old Men. TV Tropes Foundation, LLC, n. d. Web. 13 Nov. 2012. http://tvtropes. org/pmwiki/pmwiki/php/Main/Nocountryforoldmen How to cite Middleman vs Ghost, Papers
Sunday, May 3, 2020
Environmental Ethics Of Environmental Managements Essay Example For Students
Environmental Ethics Of Environmental Managements Essay First of all, the most important means of environmental management is the law. Means a mandatory legal means of environmental management, environmental management according to law is to control and eliminate pollution, protect the rational utilization of natural resources, and an important measure to maintain the ecological balance. Environmental management on the one hand to rely on legislation, the state environmental protection requirements, practices, all fixed in legal form, enforce; on the other hand also on law enforcement. Environmental management departments to assist and cooperate with the judiciary in violation of environmental laws to fight crime, to assist the arbitration; in accordance with environmental regulations, environmental standards to deal with environmental pollution and environmental damage, to conduct serious pollution and damage to the environment of the prosecution, even legal liability; also be based on environmental regulations to harm people s health, p roperty, person or entity of pollution and damage to the environment to give criticism, warning, fines or order the payment of damages. For example, China began from the 1980s, from the central to local issued a series of environmental protection laws and regulations. At present, it has formed an environmental protection law system by the state constitution, the Basic Law of environmental protection, environmental protection and other sectors separate regulations on environmental protection laws and other legal norms thereof.Secondly, the government should use science and technology for environmental management. It refers to the use of those techniques to improve production both in prison, but also be able to control environmental pollution and ecolo. .nature, protect nature becomes conscious action to create a strong public opinion, so stop wasting resources and damaging the environment behaviour. Environmental education can foster environmental education through professional expertise in a variety of environmental protection, raise the level of environmental protection personnel; can also raise awareness of environmental and social citizenship and environmental education through the foundation of society, and to achieve the scientific manageme nt of the environment and the promotion of social environmental management oversight. For example, environmental education into the national education system, from kindergarten, primary and secondary schools grabbed strengthen basic education, improve adult education and universities to popularize environmental protection about the non environmental majors basic knowledge.
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